Individual Instruction

90 minutes of personal instruction via Zoom

Course Summary

For those who wish to have follow-up, individual interaction or instruction after workshops or retreats, or private consultation, set by appointment.
Up to 90 minutes of instruction - either in person or via Zoom.

Randall Hasson

Randall M. Hasson is an artist, calligrapher, instructor and speaker who has appeared on the faculty of over 25 Arts, Lettering Arts, and Educational Conferences in the United States, Canada and England. He is the author of articles on a variety of Art or Lettering Art related subjects and has appeared as a mainstage presenter and/or teacher with lecture topics covering Public Art, Art History, the Painting Process, Collaborative Art Projects, and the History of Writing including the recent invention of the ADLaM Alphabet in West Africa.

In 2015, he co-edited of the 24th (Centennial) Edition of The Speedball Textbook. In addition to a series of online workshops called Writing with a Bent Nib, Randall is currently writing and designing his forthcoming book Teaching America How to Letter – The Speedball Story, a history of commercial lettering and American show card writing in the 1900’s.

Barbara Filoromo

Artist, calligrapher
(Barbara is on the left)

Randy is truly a master of his craft as well as a gifted instructor. He shares his breadth and depth of knowledge in a professional way that allows participants to readily enhance their own skills. His on-line workshops are a rich experience. The quality of the videos and the instructional content have kept me engaged, inspired, and encouraged to continue learning.

Course Pricing

Most popular

Individual Instruction

$150 USD

  • Up to 90 minutes of personal Instruction via Zoom

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